Cold emailing is one of the oldest digital marketing techniques still used to date. The format of cold emailing is modeled after cold mailing, where promotional mail is sent to specific individuals included on a mailing list.
The goal of cold emailing is to spark interest through spontaneous contact. While many people may think cold emailing is outdated and ineffective, they are incorrect. Cold emailing remains one of the most digital marketing strategies, as long as it is done correctly.
If you plan to launch your cold emailing campaign soon, make sure to take the necessary steps. In this article, we will guide you through creating your cold email marketing campaign.
1. Define Your Prospect
Who are you planning to reach with your email campaign? Before creating this campaign, you need to understand your audience and appeal to them. The best way to do this is to create a buyer persona or profile.
Do not just settle for their basic demographics. Instead, you need to fully understand their personal lives, the decisions they make, their shopping habits, and more. It is essential to get a full grasp of their personality before starting your campaign.
2. Build Your Emailing List
Now that you have a prospect, time to create your email list. Scour through the internet for emails that meet your prospect profile and file these email addresses.
Make sure that you are not simply building a list of email addresses. Create a database of these prospects. You can do this by compiling the email addresses that you have and keeping their profile information. Ensure that each email address is associated with a particular profile to give you a basic understanding of who they are.
3. Create a Catchy and Interesting Email Subject
Most people will quickly delete what looks like spam mail without even sparing it a second look. However, if you create a catchy and interesting email subject, they may want to go back and click on it.
Make sure to keep it short but interesting. Remember that what is interesting to you may not be attractive to your audience. Put yourself in the shoes of your prospects and find what may be an exciting email subject to them.
4. Ditch the Sales Talk
Sales talk can seem intrusive and pushy to a lot of people. This could put people off and result in them deleting your email. Try to avoid sounding like a sales pitch and sound more like something they need.
You can seem more casual in your email and avoid heavy formatting. Be straight to the point in announcing what you offer them, but do so in a way that shows that they need your product. Do not try to force these products on them.
5. Test Your Campaign
Try to test your email marketing campaign on a certain number of people on your emailing list. You do not just make an immediately successful campaign; you may be required to revise.
You can follow up with three more emails, but do not do more than that. Your email campaign will be marked as spam, and your prospects may just find it annoying.
Creating a cold email marketing campaign can be difficult. However, if done correctly, it will yield results. Just follow our steps above, and you will have a successful email campaign in no time.
We recommend you work with professional email marketing services, such as Silo Hill Media to enhance your email marketing campaign. We create custom-tailored solutions for your digital marketing needs to help grow your business. Worry no more about digital marketing, and contact us today! We are located in Caldwell, ID.