Your company makes every effort to satisfy your clients. To address the demands of your clients, you establish personal relationships with them and work relentlessly to develop new and improved products and services. 

But sadly, even if a company provides the best customer service, its reputation will and can be harmed from time to time. There are times that an angry customer leaves a scathing review on the internet about your product or services for all to see. Another possibility is that a negative media report goes far further than anticipated.

To help you with that, you need online reputation management.

You may minimize negative customer comments and maintain a positive online reputation by actively managing your reputation.

Online reputation management (ORM) is regularly monitoring online mentions of your business to respond to any unfavorable or misleading remarks.

It focuses on responding to unfavorable feedback from customers and negative news in the media (social and conventional).

So here we’ll discuss some of the advantages of having ORM for your company:

1. Increase the Visibility and Improves the Reputation of Your Company

When done correctly, online reputation management can help your business gain more visibility to the public. They do this by giving people more friendly and personal information about your company. The goal here is to make your company appear more trustworthy to the public. 

Online reputation management can help you craft a positive message that promotes your products or services. It can also help you counter any negative issues or complaints about your company.

2. Respond Promptly and With Empathy

The best ORM can occur before a negative review or comment is made public. Customers who contact you via email or social media expect an immediate response.

A survey found that 83% expect responses to their social media comments within a day or less, so don’t wait too long. Quick answers keep angry users from leaving bad reviews and show customers that you care a lot about helping them.

Responding with empathy is just as important.

Let the customer know that you care about helping them solve their problem and that you are there to assist in the end.

3. Increase in Sales

A good image of your company can help you improve your sales and boost your revenue because it can make your company more accessible to new customers.

Online reputation management promotes your products or services through trustworthy resources. This can help you make more sales and gain more customers over your competitors. People are more likely to do business with you.

4. Personalize Your Social Media Privacy Settings

Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter allow you to control your privacy settings. You can control who sees what you’ve posted on your page. Online reputation management will enable you to decide what you’re willing to share with people about your company.

You can also control who sees the negative comments about your company. You can also monitor your online reputation and respond to statements related to your business.


Online reputation management is a valuable tool that allows you to control the information about your company that’s posted online. It’s an intelligent way to manage your brand or personal image and prevent damage to your company.

It’s simply a matter of making sure that the information about your company is in your hands. It gives you the power to craft a positive image about your company and promote it to the world.

Take advantage of online reputation management benefits by employing a company that provides digital marketing services in Boise. Silo Hill Media creates a cost-effective plan that allows all aspects of your marketing to function. Work with us today!