3 Tips to Follow for Successful Social Media Marketing

3 Tips to Follow for Successful Social Media Marketing

Social media is a powerful tool for marketing your business. However, as with other tools in your arsenal, a social media platform can only help you further your goal and objectives if you know the ins and outs and understand how best to use its features.

While social media has the potential to create a competitive advantage for your business, it won’t serve you well if you heavily depend on it without exerting enough effort and developing a clever strategy. Winning doesn’t involve working hard—you need to work smart to stand out and generate more profit!

Every organization that has climbed the ranks on social media platforms did not simply create a business page and left things to chance—their teams kept up with the changes and shifting trends and adapted to keep from getting left behind.

If you think your social media marketing strategy is missing something, read on below to learn about the most important practices you should be following:

1. Be Consistent

No matter how wonderfully crafted your social media post is, it could quickly get buried by the hoards of other posts being shared on the platform. A single post can’t do much for your business—your target audience can quickly forget about it and move on to other things.

If you want to stitch your brand in your audience’s memories, you need to do more than just post every few weeks. The key to social media success is consistency! By posting quality content consistently, the more likely you can entice customers and increase the possibility of your target audience seeing your posts.

2. Create Quality Content

It’s crucial to keep in mind that posting consistently alone won’t guarantee you excellent results. Sure, your target audience may see your posts on their feed, but are they engaging with or just scrolling through your content?

Your posts aren’t just meant to be seen by the target audience—they should also encourage them to stop scrolling, read or watch what you have to say, and then complete your desired action. As such, you must work on creating the right kind of content!

When developing content for your social media page, keep in mind that it should reflect your image and brand. Rather than aiming to seem trendy, your content should have the same tone that aligns with your branding.

3. Provide Value

Rather than being all about selling, the purpose of social media marketing is to offer your followers something valuable. More than entertaining or engaging content, your social media content should either provide a solution to their problem or offer information that they could use in their life.

To create valuable content, learn as much as your target audience as much as you can. By finding out how your audience uses the particular platform and their pain points, it will be easier to appeal to them through your social media posts.


Social media marketing can catapult your business to success—if you know how best to use it, that is. As with every marketing tool, it’s crucial to understand how social media works and how you can appeal to your target audience through this medium to reach your goals. As long as you work with a digital marketing agency that knows the ins and outs of social media marketing, you’re well on your way to success!

Do you need help with marketing your business on social media? Then, our team at Silo Hill Media may just be who you need! As one of the best digital marketing agencies in the Boise area, you can rely on our experts to create custom-tailored solutions to optimize your ROI. Schedule a call with us today!

The Top 4 Tips to Boost Your Email Marketing Campaign

The Top 4 Tips to Boost Your Email Marketing Campaign

It isn’t easy to stand out in the modern world. With more competition than ever before, it is essential to be creative and innovative. Email marketing is an avenue you can take up to stand out in this highly competitive world. 

Email marketing is the method of communicating with a target audience, often via email, intending to drive them to take some desired action. It is a way of keeping in touch with customers and prospects and establishing a relationship.

Email is also the most personal form of digital marketing, and it has the highest ROI. It’s no wonder that it has grown so rapidly over the past decade. If you wish to improve your email marketing campaign to yield better results for your business, the tips below may help out. 

Establish Relationships

As previously mentioned, one of the primary purposes of email marketing is to help you connect better with your client base. You can’t achieve that if you send out impersonal messages and unnecessary emails. Instead, consider addressing your clients by name if possible. You’ll also need to figure out what they want from you and tailor your messaging to match that. 

In addition, consider where your audience is in their purchasing journey. What email should your audience see at different points of the conversion funnel? Determining the content to send out gives you a better idea of the emails and information to hook your customers. 

Another option is to add call-to-actions (CTAs) in your emails and accompany them with incentives for your customer to take the desired action. It can be a discount or another perk for making a purchase decision.

Create Separate Email Lists

Nobody enjoys being bombarded with emails, no matter if it’s from their favorite brand. If the content of the email doesn’t interest the recipient, you’re wasting time and effort.

To make your email marketing campaign more efficient, why not create email lists, separating blasts according to their content? For example, if you’re running a beauty brand, you may have customers interested in lipsticks and others who prefer to learn more about your skincare products.

By separating your messages into lists, you’re providing your customers with the content they want. As a result, it lessens the chances of people unsubscribing from your emails. 

Allow Means for Two-Way Communication

Before, no-reply email accounts were a norm in email marketing. However, employing this email account creates a certain detachment between you and your client base, which you should prevent.

Ditch the no-reply email account and opt for a regular one. While you may need to invest in an account manager, you’ll see that it’s worthwhile when your audience begins interacting with your emails, strengthening your relationship down the line. 

Consider Mobile Users

In the age of modern technology, more and more people prefer using their smartphones to create, check, and reply to emails. In fact, data compiled by Email Monday show that 81 percent of people regularly use their smartphones for their email needs

With that said, you’ll need to format your emails to suit the various dimensions of different technological devices, from smartphones to tablets and computers. Better formatting will make your emails more readable and easy to consume. 

While you’re at it, pay close attention to the email structure as well. Use simple language and include emojis and capital letters when necessary to get your point across clearly.

Personalize Your Email Marketing

While keeping the first four tips in mind, try to put yourself in your audience’s shoes. If you were a consumer, what kind of email would you like to receive from the brands that you subscribed to? Which companies would you like to learn more about? 

You’ll find that ruminating on this gives you better insight on how to structure your email marketing campaign. Aside from doing your own research, you can also get in touch with professional email marketers whose input will undoubtedly improve your campaign. 

If you’re looking for email marketing for small businesses, do consider Silo Hill Media. We offer various marketing strategies that will help boost your brand in the digital landscape. Contact us today to learn more about our services!

How Your Small Business Can Thrive With Reputation Management

How Your Small Business Can Thrive With Reputation Management

There’s no doubt that different factors need to be considered to successfully run a business. As business leaders—whether you own a big or small company— ensuring that you have your customers’ loyalty and trust is crucial for the growth of your brand. 

Turning your customers into advocates of your small business is a dream, and you’re probably wondering how you could do it. Marketing campaigns and interactive efforts can help boost rapport with your target market, but there’s one thing many business owners tend to forget—your reputation. 

Reputation management influences the way people think of you and your company. However, there are many layers to reputation, and it’s worth getting reputation management services to ensure all things are covered to have a consistent and clean reputation. But how do you manage your reputation?

Focus on Areas Where Your Customers Lurk In

If you start your day online, your customers do too. Because of this, it’s important to take care of your online reputation. Although word moves fast on the digital landscape, it can also be harmful to your business if bad press circulates the online world. Because of this, you must protect your brand always and be present online and offline. 

Since you run a small business, keeping a good online reputation is crucial because you need positive feedback, word-of-mouth, and shares to reel in new customers. With that said, getting reputation management services can help manage your reputation as your business expands. 

Build Effective Strategies That Can Mitigate Online Crisis

Nothing is quite worse than having to deal with an online crisis, especially if you’re running a small business. When bad press circulates, it can be incredibly damaging to your sales and marketing efforts. It’s only right that you invest time, energy and work with reputation management experts to build actionable solutions that could help mitigate an online crisis. 

While the best way to avoid social media backlash is to avoid one, there are still instances when these are unavoidable. To remedy this, be mindful of your online presence—check your socials, customer feedback, and monitor other online platforms to address issues right away. 

Create Content Your Market Can Trust

When you’re creating content, remember that you are your brand; this means that you need to remain personable to connect with your audience in social media, blog posts, and other online mediums. When you build trust, you essentially boost your online reputation.

A great way to manage your reputation is by providing digestible and relevant content to your audience. By doing this, you shed a positive light on your brand. With proper promotions, you get to establish yourselves as leaders in the industry. 

The Bottom Line: Your Small Business Shouldn’t Sleep on Reputation Management

A common mistake of small business owners is that they don’t take reputation management seriously. Only when they start to see an online crisis will they begin to move. However, like any crisis or online issue, they are best prevented with a solid approach—you can create one by getting reputation management services. 

With the help of professionals, you’ll get to create a customized strategy that could help your business prevent online backlash and manage online issues.

Where Can I Get Reputation Management Services?

When it comes to internet marketing, there are a plethora of things to consider. Fortunately, Silo Hill Media is here to help. 

We offer affordable and effective strategies that allow you to boost your marketing efforts and take your business to the next level. If you’re looking for reputation management services for your brand, reach out to us today!

5 Ways Local SEO Can Bring More Consumers to Your Business

5 Ways Local SEO Can Bring More Consumers to Your Business

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a mainstay for any marketing strategy. Businesses looking to expand their reach and make themselves known to potential customers can largely benefit from tapping into local SEO. Using these tactics, your visibility increases tenfold and makes you more relevant to the eyes that matter.

What are the main benefits of making use of local SEO?

You Get to Streamline Your Focus

SEO in itself exposes you on a global scale. Of course, any language you use will also make it a more relevant result in the country you serve. Through local SEO, you can streamline your exposure into a more specific location. Instead of going up against search results from competitors throughout the country, you can rank up higher for searches that are actually coming from your area.

Basically, instead of getting a bunch of hits from all over the place that won’t always result in conversions, you can home in on a select market first.

You’ll Create a Better Impression on Your Audience

One great thing about SEO is how effectively it creates brand awareness and recall. The whole idea is to get customers to find out about your services using their own search queries. It’s like getting in the yellow pages and then highlighting your listing. 

Proper execution of SEO will result in you showing up in search results higher up and having related content to convince your audience to click.

You Will Stand Out Locally

When you cater to your local market, this makes your services seem more tailor-made for consumers in that area. There will be an immediate impression that your business is an authority when it comes to the specific needs of that community. 

It’s best to stand out to consumers that can actually reach you. Local SEO makes sure your content reaches your target audience and that they get relevant information that leads them to become a customer.

You Can Increase Your Brand Reputation

These days, almost everybody does research online before making a purchase. Online users trust that Google results will lead them to the most relevant information and that the companies that get listed are trustworthy. Research even shows that 82 percent of smartphone users will conduct an online search before buying something in-store.

If you want to establish your credibility as a brand, local SEO will be a major factor.

You Will Have a Better Google My Business Listing

Google My business is a service hosted by Google that lets companies and businesses list themselves on Google Maps and the Google engine itself. Here, businesses can post all the important information that consumers need—address, operating hours, pictures of the place and services, and contact information. 

Local SEO and Google My Business work hand in hand, as your SEO content will be able to complement your listing as long as the information is accurate.


Local SEO services can have a massive impact on small businesses looking to establish themselves in their location. Being able to hone in on your local market while still increasing visibility is what makes local SEO so useful. It’s a good idea for any business to tap into this marketing strategy and start geotagging their content plan. 

If you’re looking for an SEO agency that can tailor your online presence to hit your audience, Silo Hill Media creates effective strategies in an affordable way. Contact us to get the right solutions for your business.

An Overview on the Key Elements of Excellent Website Design

An Overview on the Key Elements of Excellent Website Design

In a modern world inundated with digital media, it’s obvious that your website’s style, content, and structure influence how consumers view the legitimacy of your business. Users establish a judgment of your website in 50 milliseconds, which is why your website should be created to wow and entice visitors. Read on to discover the key elements of excellent website design.

The Lasting First Impression

A customer’s initial impression of your company is formed within seconds of entering your website. Because of this, it’s important to make a good, lasting impression. Note that a terrible website is more likely to be remembered by your customers than a good one.

To make a good first impression, make sure your website is appealing, user-friendly, responsive, and speedy. Making your website more visually appealing should be your primary priority, as 38% of consumers would abandon a website due to poor content or design.

The Rate of Useability

A well-designed website should also be useful. According to one poll, 86% of website visitors want information on products or services, 66% want contact information, and 52% want an “About Us” page. Users may feel irritated and visit a competitor’s site if these items are not easily accessible. Simple features like showing important services in the main navigation bar and your phone number in the upper right-hand corner will help your clients effortlessly navigate your website.

The Navigational Convenience

Hick’s Law states that the time necessary to make a decision is proportionate to the number of options offered. That is, the more choices you present to potential customers, the longer it will take for them to make a purchasing decision. When creating a website, keep in mind that your website’s design should be simple, with a maximum of seven precise options available to users. Remember to simplify your navigation so that visitors may easily discover what they need.

The Conversion

A conversion succeeds when a website visitor responds to your call to action (CTA), be it a purchase, a newsletter subscription, or simply a call. There are several approaches to optimizing your website’s visual design for conversion. Perhaps you may use contrasting colors and styles to highlight important information on even the busiest sites.

As a general rule, you can achieve conversions by moving your audience’s attention to key actions on your website. You can do this by improving the visitor experience, which enhances conversion rates.

The Influence and Credibility

According to one study, website design influences 75% of believability judgments. Furthermore, it was observed that 46% of users estimate the legitimacy of a website based on its visual appeal. Keeping this in mind, make certain that your logo, colors, typefaces, and overall design match one another.

The Mobile-first Strategy

Mobile devices account for more than 60% of all online searches, and thus, adults expect a mobile website to be as nice as its desktop counterpart. In today’s mobile-friendly market and Google’s promotion of the mobile-first strategy, having an accessible website viewable on all devices is critical.


It’s all about adapting to this fast-paced environment and competitive online market. So when creating your page, work with a web designer who can help you turn visitors into customers by executing a one-of-a-kind online experience. With this, you can easily distribute your content to your target audience and watch your leads grow in number and quality!

Are you looking for a digital marketing agency for small businesses? Silo Hill Media creates tailored marketing strategies for your internet presence. For a reasonable fee, we may assess all aspects of your marketing and advertising activity. Leave the work to us and contact us today!