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4 Reasons Why Online Reviews Are Valuable for Businesses
Online reviews help shape the image of your company in the digital marketplace. They help you with branding, generating new leads, increasing income, and educating yourself on business growth and development tactics. Online reviews are undeniably an essential resource...
E-mail Marketing Trends That Can Help Your Business In 2022
Like any other form of digital marketing, e-mail marketing has its shifts in trends over the years. At one point, some marketers even believed that e-mail marketing would be obscured by emerging digital marketing techniques at that time, such as social media marketing...
4 Email Marketing Myths That You Have to Know About
Email marketing has been around for a long time, so many marketers have formed opinions on what works and what doesn’t. However, they are based on the changing nature of digital marketing. Old beliefs have become outdated, while some myths persist. This is why we...
5 Steps to Finding Your Target Audience on Social Media
Knowing that most customers seek an online presence in the brands they support, most companies get tempted to create social media accounts to promote their business. However, just signing up and being on social media is no longer enough. If you want to connect with...
How You Can Ensure the Success of Your Email Marketing
According to New York Times, it is an excellent time to start a business even with an unstable economy. The columnist explains that people are less likely to take such risks. Thus, you have lesser competitors. Besides that development, the United...
How to Create a Successful Cold Email Marketing Campaign
Cold emailing is one of the oldest digital marketing techniques still used to date. The format of cold emailing is modeled after cold mailing, where promotional mail is sent to specific individuals included on a mailing list. The goal of cold emailing is to spark...
4 Helpful Tips to Maintain Good Online Reputation Management
To grow your business, you have to master your customers' experience of your product or service. The way potential customers find out about you—and the reputation you build for yourself in the process—varies from industry to industry. You will need a positive brand...
Why You Should Not Rely Solely on Social Media Marketing
There's no denying that social media has taken over the world. Almost every person in any demographic is likely to have at least one account on a social networking site, so it's no wonder that brands have hopped onto these platforms to hawk their wares and the like....
Reasons Why You Should Invest in Social Media Marketing
Does your small business or start-up have an effective social media presence? While the concept of social media marketing may have seemed foreign ten years ago, it is now essential for today's competitive digital market. Various social media platforms such as...
Why is Mobile Friendliness Critical to Your Website’s Success
Websites have gone beyond being a virtual infographic space and become an essential part of establishing a brand's identity in more ways than one. From creating a positive user experience that fosters trust in your brand to making the buyer's journey as seamless as it...
3 Factors When Choosing the Best Time to Send Promotional Emails
Email marketing has been extensively used by various businesses to reach out to their existing and potential clients. And most of the time, emails are sent across different hours in the morning, afternoon, and night. With this in mind, have you noticed that during a...
8 Important Benefits of Social Selling through Social Media
It's no secret that all business owners seize opportunities to sell their wares. The task is made easier due to the rise of social media. One popular method of this is social selling. Social selling is a marketing strategy that involves social media, email, and...